Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Turner County Fair

Steph and Josh have told us so much about the Turner County Fair that we decided we have to go this year.  On Wednesday, August 15, we headed to Parker to join them as soon as Bernie and Becca got home from work.  Adam and Val were there, too, and Hadley was so excited to have so many of her favorite people all together.  The weather was beautiful at first, but the wind suddenly came up and since it has been so dry, the dust flew like crazy.  It got into our food and the tops of Val and Becca's snow cones got dirty!  Oh well.  We were hungry and ate anyway!  After all, we all are campers!  Adam and Becca getting silly.
 Becca and Bernie posed for this shot.
 We had a good time walking around, eating, and looking at the exhibits.

It really is a very good fair and we saw lots of people we knew.  Plan to go again next year!  The wind was blowing so hard and the dust was flying so fast.  When I got home, my face was full of dirt!  But we had a blast!

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