Friday, September 28, 2012

Hadley Came To Visit

Didn't have much planned for Sunday, August 19.  Invited Hadley to come over to play.  Hadn't seen her since Wednesday!  Her hair was so cute when she got here and she immediately got busy playing with her toys!

 She loves to sit in this chair.  She is the 3rd generation to enjoy this rocking chair.  Grandma Ideker passed it down to Steph & Becca and now Hadley gets to enjoy it.
 Cooking in her little kitchen.
 Another chair to sit in - this one is only on it's 2nd generation.
 Of course we have to go on a walk around the block.  It's a sunny day but the glasses didn't stay on very long.
 Auntie B and Grandpa had been golfing when Hadley came over, but came back home later.  Auntie B went for a walk with us.
 Hadley loves to play in Grandpa's truck!
 Auntie B and Hadley have a very special bond and may it always be there!
Love the days Hadley comes over to our house to play!

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