Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Camping at Newton Hills

Bernie and I headed to Newton Hills on Thursday, August 9, to set up for the weekend.  We spent a leisurely Friday waiting for Becca to come.  The weather is just about perfect camping weather.  We have had such a hot summer but this weekend the temps in the late 70's and early 80's are a welcome relief!  Steph, Josh and Hadley joined us on Saturday August 11.  Some new bubble toys entertained Hadley (and the rest of us!) a lot this weekend.
 Two little Miss Independents ("I do it myself!").  Hadley has to blow the bubbles herself!

 Time to play some games.  Hadley helped untangle the rodeo golf balls around the picnic table.  She just loves roaming around while the games are going on.
 Gotta start her out early!  She grabbed my Kindle and knew exactly what to do with it.  She watches every move we make!

 Cuddle time with Dadoo.
 The weather was so nice we didn't even have the air conditioner on.  We spent so much time outside it was wonderful.

 Hadley is Daddy's little helper.  She knows just what he does with the pine cones to get the supper fire going.

 Sunday, August 12, the Hughes came back for breakfast. 
 Oh my, this picture makes her look so grown up!  Love her little camping shirt - she and Papa were matching today!

 Oops!  Somehow she got out of the camper without her shoes!  Mommy took care of that!

 Hadley just loves being around the camper.
 Papa at work.

 Reading the ingredients on the Dr. McGillacutty bottle.......
Auntie B - hiding her boppy.
 Hadley gets so intrigued by so many things.

 Isn't she sweet and innocent?
 Getting close to nap time.
 Auntie B is getting a little cold.....

 Time for a walk.  Hadley is waving goodbye.
 Ah, huh!  She fell asleep on the walk.  Let's just leave her in the stroller.  We know she will wake up if we try to take her out.
 Quick!  Baby is napping - out come the books, Kindles and iPads!

 Gee, I don't remember taking this picture on my camera!
 No, no Hadley.  50 Shades of Grey is Auntie B's book!
 Hadley pretended that the cement curb was a balance beam.  She was very good at it!

 Campfire time!  Hadley can crawl in and out of the chairs all my herself.
 We did actually join her around the fire eventually.

 Papa's helper likes her gloves and oven mitts to play with.  Who needs toys??

 Grandma and more Bubble time.
Bernie and I stayed over Sunday night and packed up on Monday, August 13 and headed home.  The weather this weekend was such perfect camping weather we hated the thought that it was going to warm up again.  Until next trip!

1 comment:

Lisa B said...

It looks like a great time, I love all the pictures of Hadley!