Saturday, August 18, 2012

Only In Delmont SD

Bernie, Becca and I headed to Delmont on Tuesday, July 3.  The 4th of July is on a Wednesday this year and that makes it hard to bring the camper for just one night.  We decided to make reservations at the hotel in Parkston instead of pulling the camper.  We had just gotten home Monday night from Yankton.  Steph, Josh and Hadley decided to just come for the day on the 4th.  Can't have a 4th of July without spending time with the Baier's!  We checked into our hotel room and they gave us the handicapped room!  The bathroom was huge!

 The beds were against one wall there was lots of room between them and the wall with the TV!
 Bernie thought it was so far from the beds to the TV and wished he had his binoculars along to see the screen!
 It really was quite a bit of space.

 Tuesday night we met the Baier's near the ball diamonds in Delmont and watched the baseball game.  They were again strategically placed and sitting in a good spot for the fireworks.  After the ball game, the fireworks started and they were again awesome.  Amazing how small of a town as Delmont can put on such a great show.  Someone mentioned there was a band playing in town.  There was a big "Williams" family reunion going on for a large family from Delmont and someone knew Dustin Evans and members of his Good Times Band.  They said Dustin Evans set up his instruments and was playing.  We headed into town and followed the music.  There was Dustin Evans and one of his band members having a good time singing for a large group of people.  Mike Williams came over and asked if we were related to him.  Guess he had some cousins coming into town that he didn't know.  We explained to him who were were, he offered us something to drink and a tour of the house, which was his Mother's house and now is the headquarters for the fictitious Delmonico University (like University of Okoboji).  We declined the offers, but stayed for awhile to enjoy the music.  Dustin Evans is from South Dakota and is now a Nashville recording artist.  His father, Kyle Evans, played at Joel and Sandy Baier's barn dance that they had to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary.  Only in the small town of Delmont SD can something like this happen!  So proud to be honorary Delmont citizens!  Back to our hotel to rest up for the 4th of July!  Got up and since we didn't have any breakfast at our hotel, went to Casey's and had breakfast pizza.  It was really good.
 Headed to the Baier Ranch and visited until time to go downtown for Kids Day activities.  It was so very hot outside and very uncomfortable.  We stationed ourselves in the Community Center because the Delmont Inn is currently closed.  Hadley had a good time getting to know Seth Baier.
 Ice cream was being served in the Community Center and of course had to have some!

 Hannah dashed in and out of the Center between activities.
 I had Seth for a little while to help Lisa out and Hadley wanted to help me take care of him.
 Snapped a quick family picture.
 Did step out into the heat for a little while to watch the festivities.

 After the Kids Day activities were done, we went to No Place for something to eat before heading home.

 Food there was really good!  Plus it was cooler in there than outside!
 Headed home after eating.  Another fun 4th of July with the Baier's.  But we really can't wait until the 4th of July is on a weekend so we can relax and spend more time there with the Baiers and the camper!

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