Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camping at Lewis and Clark

Bernie and I headed down to Yankton to camp at Lewis & Clark on Thursday, June 28.  We set up camp and relaxed for the evening.  Got word that Steph had achieved her Junior Underwriter status.  Friday morning we went into Yankton and got this beautiful cookie made for her to enjoy for the weekend.  Congratulations Steph!  You have done very well at Midland National Life and have worked hard for your promotions!
 Friday afternoon the family started rolling in.  Steph, Becca and Hadley came in Steph's vehicle.  Josh brought Becca's vehicle and Travis came in his own!  Travis, Becca and Hadley got involved in a game of bean bags.  Hadley had a blast.

 A true camper.  No, that is not her beer.  She is in Papa's chair!
 Steph, Josh and Hadley had a room in Yankton for Friday night and Saturday night, so they slept there.  Travis, Becca, Bernie and I stayed in the camper.  Saturday, June 30, was another warm day.  We headed to the beach in the afternoon, about the time the sun went behind  a cloud.  It was a nice time on the beach - not too hot or sunny!
 Papa showed Hadley how to use her new beach toys.
She kept busy with them for awhile.

 Then time to get in the water.  Auntie B is a great Aunt and took Hadley down to the water.

 Josh played with her toys while she enjoyed a swim!

 Hadley and Papa enjoyed the water.

 Hummm....another surprise picture on my camera that I didn't take........

 Hadley's feet got all sandy.
 Momma and Auntie B get them clean.
 Papa took Hadley for a walk and they went to the fishing pier.
 Travis had a good nap.
 And so did Josh.
 Back to the campground and we had a wonderful supper around the campfire.
 Josh cooked our steaks, porkchops and hamburgers.
 Hadley loves hot dogs from the campfire.

 And we broke into Steph's cookie for dessert. 
 We were so glad to have Travis with us for Friday and Saturday.  He had to head home Saturday night to get ready to go to Grand Island Nebraska for his last Junior Nationals Cattle Show.  He can't show anymore after he gets past 21 years of age.  Thanks for coming Travis!
 Sunday, July 1, Steph & Josh came back from their hotel for breakfast.  Steph helped Bernie cook.

 It was once again warm outside and we ate breakfast on the picnic table.
 Hadley sure enjoys her walks around the campground.  We have to hide the stroller in the back of the truck or else she wants to go all the time!

 Caught these two girls watching the neighbors out the window in the camper.
 Hadley played with Auntie B's Coach bag.  At least the little girl is learning good taste!
 Went to Cottonwood Coral for our traditional ice cream! 

 I asked Bernie to take our picture at the table and first he snapped the owner of Cottonwood Coral at the table behind us!
 Then he snapped a picture of us!  Josh ordered a pizza before our ice cream.
 The kids headed home Sunday afternoon.  Bernie and I stayed over Sunday night.  The weather was so warm, we decided to go into Yankton for breakfast Monday morning, July 2, before packing up.  Ate at Yesterday's Cafe.  Good food and a cute atmosphere.
Back to the camper, packed up, and headed home.  It was fun to be camping at Lewis & Clark in early summer rather September for once!

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