Monday, July 30, 2012

Washington DC Day Five - June 6

This is Josh's first day at his conference.  We all slept in and then he headed out for his events.  Bernie, Steph and I decided to have breakfast at McDonalds in our little "downtown".  Then caught the Metro to go to the National Archives.  Stopped at the US Naval Memorial.  It was a pretty site. 

 This cement area looked like a globe of the earth.  Cool.

 Then off to the National Archives.
 The line seemed really long but moved very fast.
 We are really counting our blessings that the weather has been cooler than normal.  We have been quite comfortable walking around Washington DC.  Steph & Josh had told us of other years that it was so terribly warm and uncomfortable.

 Not able to take pictures again in the National Archives.  It was fascinating.  Saw the original Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights.  Very difficult to read because they weren't archivally preserved from the beginning.  The Archivers are trying very hard to preserve what is left of them.  They were very well displayed in a beautiful rotunda.  There is also a wonderful learning center that you can do all kinds of studying of various documents and how things are preserved.  Walked to Ford Theatre and got our tickets.  We had plenty of time until our tour and had a nice lunch at Hard Rock Cafe.

 One of the workers pointed our to us that this was Elvis Presley's actual handwriting on this document.

 Next out to the street to head to Ford Theatre.
 We got there a little early in typical Ideker fashion and were the first ones in line.
 This the Peterson House across the street from the  Theatre where President Lincoln was brought after he was shot and he died here.
 Inside the Ford Theatre and the box seat on the balcony where John Wilkes Booth entered and shot President Lincoln.
 The stage and box seat.
 Our narrator had a very droning voice and not much enthusiasm in telling us the story.  Steph & Josh had seen Ford Theatre before and had a much better speaker.
 The Peterson House.
 The table where Mary Todd Lincoln sat.

 The bed where President Lincoln died.  It is now behind glass to keep people from touching it.

 There were chairs in the room lined up.  Cabinet members actually came to see President Lincoln during the time after he was shot and before he died to discuss issues.
 We then went through a very well done and informative area with displays telling all about the story.

 A replica of the coffin and flag over President Lincoln.
 Someone had ordered all the glass plates used to  make photographs of President Lincoln in his coffin be destroy.  However, someone hid this one and it survived.
 You can see his face and beard in the coffin if you look close enough.
 This tower of books was fascinating.  President Lincoln is the most written about subject in the book world.  These books are all about President Abraham Lincoln.  Quite a display.  Guess there are more added all the time.
 Intersting to know that there are no direct descendents of President Lincoln surviving.

 We had some time left before closing time.  Everything in Washington DC closes very early.  You know the Government........We rushed to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.  We saw advertisements of displays that looked like something we would like.
 We could have spent a whole day here.  We got a map and the gentleman told us that the First Lady Display on the top floor was a favorite, so we started on the top floor.  Toured the area first that started with the Revolutionary War and ended with the current War.  Fascinating.  Rosie the Riveter.
 Helicopter display from Vietnam.
 TVs from the 70's.
 Beside the helicopter.
 Part of the Berlin Wall

 I had one of these POW/MIA bracelets!
 Part of the Twin Towers twisted metal after September 11, 2001.

 Mary Todd Lincoln's china choice in the First Lady Display.
 Michelle Obama's Inaugural Gown.

 Amy Carter's dollhouse
 Cool display on one of the walls.
 We kept spiraling down the floors after doing the top floor.  We could have spent a lot more time here, but the clock was ticking away.  Found the Scarecrow's hat and boots from Wizard of Oz.
 This area was about where people live.  This showed a slave's quarters and this girl was eye catching.
 The largest US flag I have ever seen was on display here.  No pictures of it allowed.  It was huge.
 Starting to feel old....some of the things I grew up with are in a Museum!
 Archie Bunkers chair.
 Commodore 64 computer - Bernie had one of these!
 The transportation area was very well done and fun.
 Gee, I had one like this.....
 A 1950's style camper.

 The announcement came too soon that they were closing.  Didn't get to see all we wanted to, but enjoyed what we did see!
 The traffic on the streets of Washington DC are unreal.  So glad we didn't have to drive around.
 Caught the Metro to Union Station.
 Decided to eat in the food court.
 Josh wasn't far from Union Station and met us at the Metro stop outside.  We headed back to our hotel "downtown" and enjoyed ice cream at Baskin and Robbins.
 Relaxed in our room before bedtime.  This was a common sight this week of Josh.
 Planning our agenda for the next day.  Josh has another conference.  Do we go out or stay in?.....we will see......

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