Sunday, May 13, 2012

Travis Graduates!

Friday, May 11, Travis graduated from Mitchell Technical Institute.  Graduation was at 5PM.  We all got off work early and headed to Mitchell.  Sat by Dorothy and enjoyed the ceremony at The Corn Palace.

 Little Hadley was very good during the ceremony.  Of course, like any little one, the snacks helped!

 Took a picture of Travis on the video - turned out better than so far on the stage.
 After the ceremony, Dorothy invited us to Whiskey Creek for supper.  We waited in the bar for our table while Josh let Hadley nap in the car.  That was a good idea because it got pretty late.  But it was worth the wait!
 We were seated in two booths across from each other, which worked out very well.

 Travis's instructor gave him a gift of a telecom dictionary.
 Dorothy gave him a very practical gift of a lunch box with snacks in it.  He will need this on Monday when he starts his new job!
 Becca and Steph worked hard and made shirts for us to wear.  A very nice waitress did an excellent job of taking our picture.  We had planned to wear them in our seats at the Corn Palace, but because it was so warm and so crowded, we decided to wait.  Glad we did - it was fun being at Whiskey Creek with them on.

 Congratulations Travis!  You have worked hard and have a wonderful career ahead of you!

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