Sunday, May 13, 2012

Busy Saturday

Saturday, May 12, was a fun day.  Bernie and Josh went to get rocks and spread them at Josh's house in the morning while I ran errands.  Becca kept busy scrapbooking and Steph and Hadley worked at their house.  Then Josh dropped Hadley and Steph off at our house while he went to the lab for awhile.  We headed out about 2PM to look at some homes on the Parade of Homes.  Went to an awesome place that had a "man cave" basement that had a wall of 5 TVs - the middle one a huge one and four smaller (about the size of our TV!) on the sides.  We fell in love with it and Hadley had a good time running around the basement.   After that, we came back to our house and Josh went to the Mall for Steph's shoes for our DC trip and he picked up Papa John's pizza.  Awesome pizza supper.  While Josh was running his errands, Bernie took Hadley outside to play.  We found them in the truck, in the garage, having way too much fun. Bernie was loading CDs in the CD player and playing them and Hadley was dancing beside him.  Then he let her crawl on his lap and "drive" the truck.  Brought back fond memories of seeing him play with own daughters!

 We enjoyed some quiet time relaxing in the garage.  Bernie brought out the Mickey phone from the girl's childhood and Hadley fell in love with him.  She gave him a big hug.
 Then she paraded around the garage with Grandpa tailing her with Mickey.

 Grandpa brought out the recorders and Hadley and Becca enjoyed playing for us.

 For Hadley it was a Grandpa kind of day.....

After a quick bath, the Hughes headed home.  Another fun filled Saturday!

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