Sunday, March 25, 2012

An Ideker Tradition

The weekend of March 23 through 25 was supposed to be a fun family weekend, but it ended up having a few rough spots. Josh headed to Minnepolis to spend time with Brian and Wes. Steph came over Friday afternoon, but Hadley kept holding her right arm like her shoulder hurt. Steph took her to Acute Care and the doctor concentrated on her elbow and didn't help her shoulder. Here Grandpa is comforting her by taking her outside the door. See her cute slippers? They were on Becca's stuffed teddy bear. Hadley wanted to wear them. They just fit! Hadley did well over the weekend with her shoulder. She grimaced when we moved it, but she seemed to do better, especially after a dose of Ibupofen. We did a little shopping Saturday. I don't know how Hadley is supposed to be rear facing until she is 2 years old!
It was a beautiful, sunny, warm March weekend. Hadley and Becca did some walking down the street.
Hadley's first ice cream experience with Mom and Dad didn't go the best. We decided to give it another shot. It is an Ideker tradition to eat ice cream on a stick on the front step. We got Galaxy bars at HyVee and Hadley loved them!

Yeah! Hadley cannot be Steph's daughter and not like ice cream! Steph gave up her evening bottle when she turned 1 year old by exchanging it for ice cream and she has loved it ever since!
Of course we have to have the required sister shot.....
Decided to give Hadley a quick bath Saturday night. She is used to her routine with Daddy and was not thrilled with our quick little washing. But she smelled so much better and we got the food out of her hair! Sorry Hadbear!

Check out her cute little slippers. She wants them on as soon as we come in the house! Hadley stayed overnight on Saturday night. Good thing. Steph woke up on Sunday morning and could not open her eyes! Lots of gunk and another trip to Acute Care revealed Pink Eye! Wow, what a weekend. Josh had enough being so far away and took off from Minneapolis early Sunday. He was home in time for an early supper at our house and then they went home to relax! What a weekend! But, being together is where it is at, no matter what goes wrong!

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