Sunday, March 18, 2012

Forgotten Post

I loaded my pictures and realized I had forgotten a post. Hadley has been such a good shopper, we decided to visit Sam's Club on Saturday, March 10. Steph wanted to stock up on a few things for Hadley to eat. They came over and we took a picture of Hadley with her Beany Baby Coconut. I had fun snapping her picture while sitting with her in the back seat on our way.

Hadley is such a willing photography subject. Here she is when Auntie B tossed her into the pillows at Sam's Club. We ended up buying Auntie B one.
These two found this huge hippo.
We found animal crackers, fruit cups, and goldfish for little Hadbear to eat. She is such a good eater and she was happy to have them in our cart.

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