Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wonderful Mitchell Mini Vacation

President's Day Weekend, we went to Mitchell for an Ideker/Hughes/Williamson Mini-Vacation. We have been wanting to go to Mitchell to see Travis and his apartment and his school life, and finally got it organized. We invited his Mom, too, and she was able to come. We went on Friday and checked into the Day's Inn. We got two great adjoining rooms. Thank you Josh for organizing that. Dorothy decided to stay with Travis. Friday night was spent relaxing in the room. We did a little swimming. Hadley had a great time getting to know the rooms. She is starting to walk around a bit and had a good time holding onto the beds, furniture, and taking a few steps.
She is beginning to love stuffed animals. I remember a little one (her Mother) who also loved her stuffed animals!
Saturday we slept in as best we could. Enjoyed breakfast in the dining area. After Travis and Dorothy were up, Steph, Becca, Hadley and I went to see Travis' apartment. What a nice place. Perfect for a guy in school. Really like it. He has a lot of room and lots of storage. Dorothy joined us for a walk around downtown. We stopped for coffee at the coffee shop across the street from Travis that he always talks about. What an awesome place! Really liked it. Then on to Bonnie's Decor for shopping. Walked down the street and found a pet store. Hadley enjoyed staring down the puppies.
Bernie had seen a metal sign in a window downtown when they were in Mitchell hunting weekend. It said "We don't dial 911" and had a rifle under it. He wanted us to find it for him to give to Joel. He didn't know what store it was in. We asked at Bonnie's Decor and they sent us down the street to a gift shop. We couldn't find that particular store and stopped in the Pet Store. They directed us down the street. We then stopped in a western wear store and they suggested a Rustic Designs shop down the street. That was it! We found the sign in that store. Bought it and got a call that Joel and Sandy were on their way. Stopped at Travis' apartment for Dorothy to get a few things before going back to the hotel and Hadley fell asleep in the stroller.
Back to the hotel and played a few games. Hadley and I watched everyone at the pool swimming and finally she really wanted to get in the pool.
A quick bottle and we got everyone convinced to go swimming.

Hadley is quite a fashionista.

Finally got everyone down to the pool! Tried out the kiddie pool first.

Then on to the big one.
The whirlpool is always a favorite.

Such a nice slide!

Grandpa Dan & Grandma Mary let us borrow Hadley's pool toy for the weekend.

Travis on the slide.
Bernie checking out the buckets that filled with water and then dropped it.

Hi guys! Hadley enjoyed waving at everyone who climbed to the top of the slide.

Becca on the slide.

Wow, Travis doesn't hold Hadley much but she got him to carry her at the pool.
Kids attract kids!

Joel and Sandy joined us for the afternoon. Had a great time visiting around the pool for awhile.

Back to the room and Bernie gave Joel the sign we found and we had a great time telling our story on how we found it.

Swimming has a way of tiring everyone out! Nap time.
Some more card playing!

Hadley is so cute when she gets a hold of Mama's phone. She even sweeps her finger over the screen, just like Mama. Won't be long and she will know how to use it! Can't wait to hear on my phone, "Hi Grandma! It's Hadley!"
Sunday we slept in again, ate breakfast in the dining area and hit the pool again. Grandpa had a good time swimming with Hadley.
Grandpa giving one of his "Hadley Tours" where he tells her all about what they see!

Kids attract kids!
We packed up and took a quick picture of all of us with Dorothy's camera. Thanks Dorothy for emailing a copy to me! Said goodbye to Dorothy so she could head home and see Tickles.
Stopped for lunch at Blarneys before saying goodbye to Travis and heading home. We had such an awesome weekend, we want to do it again next year!

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