Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

We had a great time ringing in the New Year last night. Kind of a last minute thing. Nobody really had any plans. Becca and Travis were invited out but a little nervous about the drinking/driving thing. When Travis got done with chores at the farm, he came in and we all gathered at our house. Off to Alpine Inn we went for supper. Had a wonderful supper there. They were not very busy and that was nice to have lots of room and not alot of noise. We toasted the year 2011 and what a good year it was to us. It brought us Hadley Hughes, who had so much fun flirting with all the tables around us. It brought us another graduate, Becca, who is now ready for the real world! We had lots of fun camping trips and family times and counted our blessing that everyone is healthy. We toasted the new year and hope everything is just as great. Back to our house after supper and got Hadley ready for bed. After the Hughes took off for home, with a stop at Red Box for a movie, Becca, Travis, Bernie and I began opening bottles of wine and enjoying them over several games of the horse race game Becca had made. We had a blast wine tasting and know what ones won't be bought again! About 11:30 moved downstairs and tuned into the Dick Clark Rockin' New Years Eve and watched the ball fall on Times Square. Happy New Year to everyone! Hope 2012 is a great year for all!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Really a fantastic year! Will be hard to top but we will try!