Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Hadley slept well overnight and got up ready to go for Christmas Day.
Grandpa and Auntie B had a glass of wine to celebrate the day.
Had to take a quick picture of Grandma and Hadley. Her shirt says "Grandma's Favorite Gift". Sure is!
Off to the Hall's for our family gathering. Hadley won't let go of the little bear she got at Jerry and Mary's.
Lined up on the couch ready to celebrate!
Lunch was an awesome collection of all the things we love.
After a great lunch, we started the bingo. Everyone brought two $10 gift and one $5 gift. Ryan and Haley took turns calling.
The gifts were lined up ready to be chosen.
It was great fun! Lots of nice gifts.
Hadley crawled over and wanted Great Grandma to hold her. She won Grandma's heart.
After a great time at the Hall's, we came back to our house for our "Little Ideker" Christmas. Started with great pictures.

Celebratory toasts of course!

Decided to open stockings and gifts just in case Hadley needed to crash. But she was such a trooper and hung tough late into the evening!
These are the little Santas I made for everyone's stockings.

Travis and Becca liked their ornaments.

Hadley was good at opening her presents!
She enjoyed paging through the cloth book we got her.
And she couldn't wait to get into her picnic basket.
I got a Grandma mug!
Becca had Minnesota Twins shirts made for us.

Josh liked his garage light.
And I was totally surprised at the beautiful anniversary ring Bernie gave me. Thank you Steph for helping him get it for me. Your shopping story was as great as the beautiful ring!
I loved the gift card holder I made for Steph's Starbucks card.
Dorothy gave Becca a bag of goodies and she loved this hat.
So did Hadley.
Our living room was such a mess but so worth it!

Christmas this year was great. It was wonderful having it on a weekend so we were relaxed and not rushed for time. Plus, having our newest family member, Hadley, made it all the more special. Can't wait for next year!

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