Sunday, December 18, 2011

Congratulations Becca, College Graduate!

Becca has done it! Graduation Day, December 17, Becca graduates from USD with a degree in Business Management. Ceremony is at the Dakota Dome in Vermillion. I took this great picture of her before she went down to the floor to get in line. You look beautiful Becca!

Becca's friend Kaylani's father was behind us and took this good picture of us in the dome.
Becca told Bernie about the great dome dogs and he tried one. She was right. They are good.

Becca lined us with the other graduates on the floor and the procession started.
President Abbott gave the opening.
Speaker was Representative Kristi Noem.

Hadley tried to be good but a girl can only be so good for so long.
The graduates proceeded in for their diplomas.
Becca receives hers from President Abbott.
Walking back to her seat.
Hadley checking out Travis.
Becca is so happy because it is OVER!
Another great picture.
Travis and Becca.
Hadley and Auntie B.
Shalena Meyer, Rebecca Ideker and Kaylani Mercado - Graduates!
Now off to party! The girls have rented the basement of the Eagles Club and their good friend Abby is tending bar. Shalena's Mom brought the cake from Winner, SD.
The table is set with sandwiches, Hawaiian pork, chips and salads.
A quick family picture before the guests arrive.
Cake, punch and present table.
Becca and Abby, with Travis.
Becca and Abby were roommates Freshman year in the dorm and Junior and Senior year in a house and duplex.
The party begins!
Kay, Rick and Grandma Ideker come to celebrate.
Hadley gets to eat too!
Kaylani's parents gave the girls beautiful leis from Hawaii.

The girl's friends from Winner. Some of them lived with Shalena at the Elm House.
Kaylani's cousin and Hadley posed for a few pictures.

Shots to celebrate.
After the party, we went down to Leo's for more drinks and visiting. Bernie and I were staying at the Prairie Inn, where we had a really nice room. The next day, Sunday, we continued to try and empty out Becca's apartment as much as we could.
Can't wait to get Becca moved home and on to the next phase of her life. Congratulations Becca!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Congratulations Becca! You are amazing. I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Can't wait to see what is in store for you and your future.