Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve

I really liked our Christmas cards this year. They were really personalized with stockings that had our a names on them. We didn't do a famiy picture at Thanksgiving, so I did a collage this year for our picture in the Christmas cards. It turned out well.
Our tree this year was pretty, as usual. Once again we were fortunate enough to have many presents around it. Counting our blessings we can do this! Plus, wonderful family to share them with.
Our stocking holder is almost getting too small! When I bought it we only had four in our family. We are growing!
Christmas Eve day started out with the Hughes and Travis coming over. We took pictures and hung out for awhile.

Then to Mary and Jerry's for lunch. Took pictures, of course!

At Jerry and Mary's we drew from a deck of cards and got to choose gifts. Hadley got a cute little bear that she absolutely fell in love with! Then on home so Steph & Josh could got to the Hughes Christmas. We celebrated a little! Don't worry Steph & Josh - Hadley didn't get any wine!
Hadley stayed overnight so we could be well rested for Christmas Day!

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