Monday, August 8, 2011

Minneapolis Day Three

After a good night's rest and good breakfast, Monday, August 8, brought our Mall of America day. Bernie and Becca to their wristbands and headed out for some serious riding on the amusement park rides. While they were riding rides, I did some serious shopping at Archivers, Christopher and Banks, Lindt Chocolates, and Rybick's for cheese curds. Took a few pictures of some ideas at Archivers.

About the time I was thinking it was Iced Tea Time, Becca called to say they were on their way to Hooters for lunch. Took a picture of them toasting to their successful time at the Nickolodean Amusement Park.

After lunch, Bernie went back to the hotel while Becca and I did some serious shopping. After about 4 hours, we called Bernie to come and rescue us. We were tuckered out!

Bernie and Becca did a few more rides - the Log Flume, Roller Coaster and the Atomic Collider.

Had supper at the Food Court and then back to the hotel for games of Idiot and caught "The Blind Side" on HBO. Then bed to rest up for our trip home tomorrow. My, these few days went way too fast!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Who are those two clowns on the rollar coaster? Goof balls! I love them!