Thursday, July 14, 2011

Miss Organizer Comes to Visit

While I was at work on July 6, Miss Organizer struck our house. Now, I was thrilled when Becca called and asked if I was on my way home. I had a few errands to run, but decided to head home. She was between doctor appointment and having to go to work and wanted to visit with me a little while before she went to work. When my daughters want to spend time with me, I drop everything and run. Well, found out she wanted to prepare me for what was at home. She was afraid I would be mad, but I was thrilled. She had organized my cupboard in the kitchen that had turned into a junk collector. She has such good organizational skills and I love it when she uses them on our house.

I loved the notes, which made it really easy for me to decide what to keep and what to pitch.

Needless to say, that cupboard is much cleaner and better organized. I vow to keep it that way. But......I'm long until Miss Organizer will have to strike again??????