Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July at the Baiers

The 4th of July this year was on a Monday and we were able to come early on Saturday, July 2nd, spread out at the Baier Ranch and relax. That Saturday night, we all went to the Delmont Inn and had supper. This is Travis's first trip to the Baier Ranch and they gave him a warm Delmont welcome. He also teased these two sisters with the rabbit ears......
Hadley had some nice 4th of July attire to wear to show her patriotism.
Silly family!
Gotta catch a nap when you can and it is best when you hold hands. :)
Poor Travis didn't have anyone to hold hands with but he could still nap!
Sunday was Armor's parade and we traveled with the Baier clan to watch. Cute family!
Joel drove the Delmont Fire Truck in the parade and invited Bernie and Carter to ride with him. They had fun.
This little parade watcher didn't even run out to get candy but made out like a bandit!
The Baier Clan found a nice shady street corner to watch.

After the parade (which ended with the ambulance having to come and help two people to the hospital when a horse got spooked), we went to the park for a little fun and some lunch.
Monday Hadley got on her patriotic outfit and got ready for her day.

Went to Delmont's activities. Kids Day was on Main Street.
Hannah rode in the bicycle race.

And she carried water in the bucket race.
We kept cool in the DI.

Hadley enjoyed watching the activities (in between naps) out the window. Much cooler that way!

Reese snapped some great family photos for us.
Best friends forever!
Joel took Travis and us on a tour of all his buildings on the Ranch. Travis was amazed and we were reminded how organized Joel is. Then a quiet evening in the house watching TV. Hannah squeezed in between Travis and Becca.
Oh Joel and Sandy - how we love spending time with you! Thanks for all the fun and memories!
On the way home we stopped for something to eat at Blarneys. Becca found her Smurf 2.0 in the mall.
What a great 4th of July!

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