Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Celebrate Josh's Birthday

We are catching up on birthday celebrations! On Sunday, June 26, we met at kRav'N to celebrate Josh's May 10th birthday. We are excited to try a new place in Sioux Falls. Steph had lunch there and reported that it was a place we would like. She was right. A nice place with good food!

Hadley did her usual nap through our meal. This is OK. Let's Mom & Dad enjoy a hot meal! Things will change......

Bernie and Travis tested out the outdoor patio.

We went back to Steph and Josh's to visit and play games. Hadley got a new chair to sit in!

The guys took a little nap before game time.

I find a surprise picture on my camera!

Hadley is working so hard to turn from her tummy to her back!

Hadley did her best to try to wake Travis.

Played a few games and the Josh opened his gifts. Root Beer and a new log grabber!

Hadley has a new jumping seat. Josh's medical books are being put to good use so her little feet can reach the floor! She gets pretty wild and crazy jumping around and squealing!

Time to pose for pictures. Hadley put on her new dress to catch a few poses.

Gotta have a silly picture!

Now we will have a little break before Becca's birthday. Hopefully we can go out to celebrate close to her date!!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Fun whole day just hanging out!