Saturday, June 11, 2011

Harrisburg Days

Steph and Josh told us about Harrisburg Days going on and Bernie and I jumped at the chance to experience it with them. Small town functions are our favorite things to check out. We went to a yummy pancake breakfast. It was really good. Then headed "downtown" Harrisburg to the parade. I had never been south of the main road through Harrisburg, so I was excited to see what was there. Hadley had on her hat and was ready.

She enjoyed watching everything.

The parade was very good. Lots of floats, fire trucks and bands.

But it wore Hadley out and she had a nap attack! Bernie was thrown the can coozie and dropped it like it was hot - State Farm Insurance! It will go in the camper!

Next we headed back behind the school. They had a car show going on and small area for food, craft and other vendors. It was fun!

Bernie and Josh just had to stop and try out the playground!

We were impressed with the Harrisburg Days events. Next year we are going to plan better and hit the vendors for lunch!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

It was fun! Thanks for coming with us! Can't wait for next year!