Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Big Sioux Camping

Thursday, June 16, Bernie and I headed to Big Sioux Campground and set up. Becca and Travis came out that night and joined us for supper and campfire. Had a great start to our weekend of camping. Travis was presented with his own camping chair by Becca. He fits!
Friday was a relaxing day. Our campsite is so pretty.

Enjoyed playing games while waiting for the Hughes Family to arrive.
They are here! Hadley was all decked out in her leg warmers.

Hadley has a new chair too! She loved it.

Saturday - Hadley is so happy to wake up in the camper.

Went for a nice little walk. The bike trails at Big Sioux are very pretty.

Sunday was Father's Day but we let the guys open gifts on Saturday. Bernie got a pretty card. :)

And some nice tee's.

Josh's first Father's Day and Hadley had a gift for him she made at daycare.

Bernie and Becca had a little battle with the wine bottle. Don't worry guys. The wine stains on your clothes will bring back fond memories.

Dan, Mary and Dorothy came out to join us for supper.
Hadley sat in her seat while we ate and cooed and laughed.

But all that fun wore her out.
She revived for the campfire, thank goodness.

Breakfast for little Hadbear on Sunday morning.
New books for the girls to color and solve puzzles. Not much has changed since they were very young!
Another walk around the campground.

Dads and Daughters! Special bonds.

Hadley enjoys her camping.

After the Hughes had to go home, we had some more game time.
And more reading and relaxing.
Another fun weekend. When's the next one???

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