Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Grandma's House

On April 27, Steph called to see what I was up to. She was ready to get out of the house for awhile and came over with Hadley. We met at The Cut, so that Amanda could see Hadley. Then we came to my house. We were hungry. Steph ran to Applebees for their curbside service for supper so we could enjoy being together at home. While she was gone, I shot a few pictures of Hadley. She is growing so fast!

The many faces of Hadley are so cute and are changing so fast! Glad I get to see her often!


Steph Hughes said...

Love my photogenic little girl. I think we have another funny face maker in the family. Thanks for supper and hanging out with us.

Steph Hughes said...

Fun evening. Love that last picture of Hadley standing on the table. Already growing so big!

Anonymous said...

I'm extremely jealous, as we don't get to see Hadley much, unless of course we make the trek to their house. For whatever reason, she has only been to our place once. Haven't even had the opportunity to have her for 5 minutes, let alone 20-30. Thank goodness they send me pics or I wouldn't see her much at all! Papa Dan