Sunday, April 24, 2011

Who Does She Look Like?

We constantly get the question, "Who does Hadley look like?" Well, I think she looks like Hadley. But there is some resemblance to her Mom! We got out Steph's baby book this Easter weekend and enjoyed looking at the pictures. Here is Hadley asleep on my lap with her hand raised in the air.

Here is her Mommy in March of 1985, with her hand in the air!

Here is Hadley interacting already with her stuffed rabbit. I know she will love stuffed animals as much as her Mommy.......Because here is her Mommy, in March 1985, checking out her bunny rabbit!
Who does Hadley look like? Well, herself, of course. But I see similarities of a little baby girl from 26 years ago!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Those pictures are funny! Crazy how we are both posed the same!