Monday, April 4, 2011

Twins Opening Game at Ideker Stadium

Twins Opening Game at Ideker Stadium almost wasn't. I started getting sick at work on Thursday and didn't make it to work on Friday. I had such a bad cough, headache and fatigue. But called most of the fans who were coming, promised to wear a mask, and Play Ball! Got a picture on my phone that Hadley was getting ready at home.

I made a little sign to welcome her to Grandma and Grandpa's house. The "Welcome to Ideker Stadium" banner was up and ready to greet the fans.

Promotion bags were promised to the first seven fans to enter the stadium and they were ready to go.
Stadium was decorated with Twins Memorabilia.Cubby was all ready to go. Bet he won't sit still once little Hadley is big enough to notice him!Last year's picture was framed and in a place of honor in front of the TV.

Fans arrived and we quickly took pictures while Hadley was awake and aware. Such a cute Twins family!Auntie Becca is going to make sure Hadley is a Twins fan.Our family picture! Travis' Mom, Dorothy, joined us this year.The concession stand had a steady flow of traffic! Auntie Becca loves how Hadley clutches her finger!

The eager fans watched the Twins opener with the Toronto Blue Jays in Toronto. Unfortunately the Twins lost, but we had a great time!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

So much fun! Glad our WHOLE family is so into this. Makes everything that much more fun. I LOVE us!