Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Something I Never Thought I Would Hear

As a Mother, you just know stuff. You have been through babyhood, toddler days, grade school, high school, college, your child getting married. Well, now my "child" has had a baby and she is a Mother. Here are some texts I got from her that I never thought I would hear: "When are you considered a "good parent"? Is it when your daughter poops on you, then pees on you, then poops on you again in a five minute period but you don't get mad. You are excited and tell her good job. Those were good poops. If so, I passed." “Officially now have mommy syndrome. I got my kid fed, cleaned up, in her car seat and all cute to go. Then I walked out to the car and realized I didn’t have socks or shoes on, a coat or even a clean shirt.” Yup. Not worried. She will be a good Mother! Proud of you Stephanie!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

I learned from the best! Thanks for being the best example of motherhood.