Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome Hadley Lynn Hughes!

Hadley Lynn Hughes joined our family on Saturday, March 26, at 9:05PM. She weighed in at 7 lb. 3 oz. and 20 inches long. Welcome Hadley! You are so loved already! You are joining a family that so much wants you to be a part of them! Bernie and I had cleared our calendars for this weekend in anticipation of Hadley's arrival. Steph was scheduled for a doctor appointment on Friday and her doctor had mentioned doing a procedure and that labor could begin within 24 hours. So we were ready. Nothing much was happening after the doctor appointment. We went to bed Friday night, of course with our phones right by our ears to hear if they sounded. Got up Saturday morning and Steph called, saying if labor didn't begin soon, she was going in to be induced. But Hadley had plans to come on her own and by 12N, Steph & Josh were on their way to the hospital. Becca and Travis soon arrived home and we spent the day playing games, munching on Bagel Dip, eating a supper of chili and watching some TV (March Madness is on you know!). Josh kept us posted all day with texts and at 8:29PM the message was definitely that Hadley was arriving! Next text announced she was here! We were so excited! About 10PM we arrived at the hospital and go our first glimpse of our precious little girl. She is beautiful of course! The nurse and Josh were still examining her and caring for her and we hugged Steph, told her what a good job she did. She said it went well and that it was much easier than she anticipated, which is good for a Mother to hear! Steph looked great, too! They were trying to get Hadley to nurse, so we said our goodbyes and "see you tomorrow" and headed home. Can't wait to go back and hold that precious little bundle!


Lisa B said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful!

Steph Hughes said...

Such an awesome day! So glad I had such great support inside and outside of the delivery room!

P.S. It's about time to update your Ideker/Hughes picture on your blog.