Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What A Gift!

I have a friend, Pam Wilson, who lives in North Carolina. We met the first time at a Health Tech workshop in Chicago with Phonak hearing aids. We hit it off right away and exchanged email addresses and promised we would keep each other posted on hearing aid workshops, and meet again. Well, now we have gone to quite a few together. We always email when we find out about a workshop and plan to meet. Last November we were in Las Vegas with Starkey and went as early the first day as possible so we could spend the day together on the strip. It was fun. We are meeting again in April in Minneapolis with ReSound. Pam is an avid quilter and always has a quilt along to work on when on the plane and in our rooms to relax. She always shows me what she is working on and they have been beautiful. A box came in the mail this week with Pam's return address on it. When I opened it, I found this beautiful quilt in it with the note, "Just a little of my hardwork for your new grandbaby. Best of wishes to your daughter and her husband as they begin a new style of life with this new bundle of joy. Wishing you all much happiness and lots of fun in your futures." Isn't it beautiful?Of course I have to thank her. I "quilted" this thank you card to send to her. I know she will like it.

Pam is an awesome Grandma to Nevaeh (heaven spelled backwards) and Carly. She introduced me to the name Nevaeh for the first time and I have heard it quite often since. I hope to be as good a Grandma as Pam!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

What a generous gift! Love your thank you card!