Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hadley Went Home!

Even though I had to be at work the day Hadley got to go home from the hospital, I got updates all day on my phone as to how progress was! Hadley went home on Monday, March 28. Here is the cute little onesie she wore home. Here is the whole outfit. She is so tiny, her clothes overwhelm her! But she is so cute! Settled into her car seat, snug as a bug in a rug!They made it home just fine and tucked her into her seat at home for a nap.Mom took a shower and came out to fine both her baby and her husband sound asleep napping!Of course Grandma and Grandpa had to come over and make sure they were actually home safe and sound! I got to cuddle with her for awhile.Let the family life of the Hughes household begin! It will be wonderful!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

It has been wonderful! So crazy looking back on these pictures. That outfit we took her home in no longer fits!