Saturday, September 11, 2010

Target Field!

Becca had two 21st birthday wishes. One, to go on a vacation and fly somewhere. Two, to go to a Twin's game. We did Las Vegas, and on August 21st, we went to see the Twins in their new Target Field. Did our usual Friday night trip to Minneapolis, stayed at the Comfort Inn, where we always stay. Steph & Josh had come early on Friday to do some baby shopping. Saturday dawned a beautiful day for a ballgame outside. We all got dressed up in our Twins Attire.

To the Mall of America to catch the Metro. They had extended the route past the Metrodome to Target Field and we were glad we could ride there.

We were a little nervous about getting tickets. The games had been sold out most of the summer and the Twins were doing well in standings, so we had alternate plans if we couldn't get any tickets. Our ticket broker, Dan, didn't have anything. He had been out of town for a few days and hadn't gotten any seats. We found other ticket brokers and decided to buy Standing tickets. That meant no seat to sit in, but since it was our first trip to Target Field and we wanted to look everything over, we decided this would be OK. We were so excited to get tickets and be inside the new stadium!

We walked around the stadium outside until the gates opened. This wonderful statue was outside one of the gates.

We went back to the Metro pickup point so we would be able to find it fast when the game was over and walked around from there.

These really cool murals were on one wall of the outside fences. They were awesome.

We kept walking around the stadium and could see the outside window of the new souvenir shop. Becca had heard it was huge and awesome.

Continued on until we found the main entry area. It was a busy place!

Found a place to relax a little. These wonderful members of a blogging/scrapbook family posed for me.

We could see the Clubhouse Store advertised from this side.

Becca posed with Kirby Puckett.

Near the entry was a golden glove. Just wish I had hopped on - would have been a nice Christmas Card photo!

Finally the gates opened and we were in Target Field! Becca was beside herself!

We got our bearings and decided to just wander around and enjoy the beautiful stadium.

There were lots of great places to stand and watch the game. Even had ledges for you to put your food and drink!

Becca had her first beer in Target Field!

Steph was jealous she couldn't have one too so she toasted with her water!

But Bernie joined Becca in a toast with his beer!

The Stadium is just beautiful and has lots of great concession stands.

Hrbek's is a great little bar inside the Stadium where you can enjoy a drink and good food.

There are TV's all over the stadium for you to watch the replays.

Josh is such a good sport. For a guy who is not in love with baseball, he is always willing to come and be with us.

The skyline of Minneapolis is visible above the stadium.

The seats were really starting to fill in.

Becca was thrilled we were at a Los Angeles Angels game - that way she got to watch her Torii Hunter.
We found a spot, in the shade, where there was a nice pole to lean against. Took turns using it.

Becca was so happy to be there!

Here is Steph & Josh's turn with the pole!

These two Twins fans were so happy to be there!

As were these!

We were not alone standing in the concourse. It was a hot day and many of the seats were in the sun, so lots of people were seeking shade.

Another toast to the Twins!

Unfortunately, the Twins did not win, but it was so good to see the new Stadium and watch the game together. We were happy. Caught the Metro back to the Mall of America and ate at Hooters. We had talked about fried pickles all during the game!

The perfect ending to an almost perfect day! The Twins could have won!

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