Monday, September 27, 2010

Road Trip to Walnut Grove

September 25th was the Fall Workshop at Walnut Grove, MN. This is such a tiny town, but they sure put on the best workshop for card making! Jen Mulder came to my house and Steph picked up Karen and came over. We had muffins, fruit, juice, milk and coffee for breakfast at my house before taking off. This fall has been about as wet as spring was, and we had to drive through water on the highway on our way to Walnut Grove. It was scary! We were so glad we had the Envoy rather than a small, low riding car. There was also a detour on part of the road, too.

We were a little late for the workshop, but got down to business right away. We had 10 cards to make!

After Steph, Jen and I got our cards done, we snacked in the back of Steph's Envoy until Karen got done.

We went to the store, Fond Memories, and spent some time looking around and buying supplies. Then back to Brookings for supper at Applebees. These two were having such a good time.

And we were enjoying watching them!

Here are the cards we did. They are beautiful!

Can't wait for the next one!

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