Sunday, August 1, 2010

Starkey Hearing Aid Workshop

Flew to Minneapolis on July 11 for a hearing aid workship with Starkey Hearing Aid Company. I love their workshops because we go directly to their facility in Minnetonka and get to see all the employees and the company at work. As usual, the founder, Bill Austin, is hard at work in his facility, at over 70 years of age, helping people hear better. Always rewarding to see. After a long day of learning, they always take us out for a nice supper. Usually it is at Bill Austin's home, which is gorgeous. But because he was in town and busy at home, they took us to Buca Beppo. Awesome home style Italian food.

My friend Pam Wilson, who is from North Carolina, joined me at the workshop. We met years ago at another Health Tech workshop and have been joining each other whenever we can. (Planning to see each other in Las Vegas in November!) She is so nice and we have a good time just being together.When Starkey took me to the airport to catch my plane the next day, my flight had been cancelled. It scared me at first, but I was lucky enough to get on another flight going out that same day. So I just had to spend an additional 6 hours at the airport. Got lots of reading and walking done! To drown my sorrows, I got a delicious oreo shake from Ben & Jerry's. Tasted so good!That shake made me a little cold, so I got a delicious Caramel Macchiato from Caribou Coffee to get me over the sadness of being delayed!Don't let me fool you. Even though I would have rather been home earlier, I enjoyed my time of reading, drinking, and the $6 food voucher the airline gave me for the delay paid for my sandwich for supper. Then it was on my plane and home!

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