Saturday, August 7, 2010

Limousine Around Town

Becca is so blessed with awesome friends. Becca’s friend Magan Whetham organized a fun Limousine Ride for Becca and her choice of friends for Friday, August 6. They met at Shenanigan’s for supper around 7:30PM. The limo picked them up at Shenanigan’s at 9PM. Entourage included Becca, Magan, Kaylani Mercado, Shalena, Meyer Steph & Josh, Casey Smith, Adam Dahl and Jen Mulder, and they picked up another friend Matt Haight along the way. They had a great time, traveling around town. First stop was Cheap Shots near Tea. Then on to Tinners, Billy Frogz, the Liebrary, Club David and then Wileys. A good time was had by all! The four girls ended up coming and crashing in our basement after the limo ride was over. Poor Shalena had to be to work at 7AM, so she was the first one up. Kaylani followed soon after – she had a busy day ahead. Becca came upstairs fairly early and Magan slept in a bit. All were happy with the fun they had!

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