Sunday, May 16, 2010

Friends Part VIII

Karen Hall

Karen is not related technically by blood, so that allows me to put her in my friend category. But I feel like she is my sister. Don brought her into our family and we welcomed her with open arms. They dated for many years, so when they FINALLY got married, we were all glad. She also brought her great family into our fold. We had connections with them before they got married. Bernie and I both worked with Karen’s father at Sunshine Mutual Insurance Co. We have maintained a close relationship with her mom Orrie and my kids think of her as a grandmother. Karen’s brothers are all so nice and we enjoy getting together with them at family events. Karen and I now share a common addiction (making cards) and have spent lots of time together shopping for supplies and actually making the cards! It is a wonderful common bond. I count Karen as both a friend and a sister and I treasure her friendship!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I am honored to be included in your "friends" series and was surprised to see myself featured! I too feel like you are the sister I never had and enjoy our times together. Thanks for introducing me to the wonderful world of stamping :) I'm ready for a road trip in search of new stash how about you?