Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friends Part VI

Darlene Poppenga

Darlene and I started talking when I was working in Radiology at the VA. She was an LPN on the 4th floor, which housed outpatient clinics, especially Orthopedics. She called and came down routinely looking for x-rays, and we just sort of clicked as friends. She was distressed when her husband was diagnosed with cancer and I tried to comfort her through that ordeal. He is gone now, but our friendship remains. We are now both on 4th Floor and have continued our great friendship. She is once again one of those lifetime friends. We go out about once a month for supper and have started inviting another friend, Rhonda Mairose, to join us. We can talk about anything and everything. She is a bright spot in my day at work when I see her down the hall with a big smile on her face. She is an awesome nurse and the patients love her. She is very patient and kind. She also brings me treats, because the Nurses on 4N are always baking! I am so glad Darlene and I found each other and I treasure her friendship!

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