Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Bernie and I had discussed my retiring from the VA for a long time.  I stayed at the VA, working for 36 1/2 years, just so that I could retire early at age 55.  Bernie's job was just a little "iffy" and I stayed longer than I wanted to.  Things in my position were getting a little tough and I wanted to change jobs.  We discussed this and decided that retirement was the better answer.  A great day to retire according to OPM standards was June 1st.  I decided to give a 2 months notice on April 1, but it was a rough day at work on March 29 and I called HR and signed on the dotted line!  My official last day of work will be on May 31.  Can't wait to turn in my name badge and parking permit!

This what I posted on Facebook:  "I did it. I signed on the dotted line. On May 31, I will retire from the VA after over 36 years of service. My Kindle is loaded with books, craft corner is loaded with rubber stamps and scrapbooking paper, and reservations are being made for camping weekends. Soon I will move on to full time Grandma, Mom and Wife. Can't wait!"

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