Saturday, October 6, 2012

Moving Becca

The weekend of September 7th through 9th, we moved Becca into her new apartment.  It was sad for Bernie and I to move her out of our house, but happy for Becca to get such a beautiful new place to live.
 Hadley had a good time on Becca's deck.
 She kept pointing to the courtyard and jabbering.  We aren't sure what she was telling us, but she was intent on pointing it out to us!
 Becca's name was already on her mailbox!
 We toasted to her new, beautiful home.

 Hadley really enjoyed helping us.  Here she helps us empty Becca's storage unit and found a ball to play with.
 Unpacking boxes was exciting for Hadley.
Becca has a beautiful place.  With all her lime green belongings moved in, it looks like Becca.  She has a large closet area and a washer and dryer.  Everything a girls needs.  Congratulations Becca!  We will miss you around our house but look forward to visiting you in yours.

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