Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekend with Hadley

The weekend of August 24-26, Steph and Josh went to Minneapolis to visit Wes, Sarah, Bryan and Erin, and Hadley came to stay with us.  I had bought this table and chair set at Once Upon a Child quite awhile ago but decided Hadley was big enough to be able to enjoy it.  I was right!  She loved it!  We had a good time playing.

 Hadley's new routine at Grandma and Grandpa's house - brushing her teeth before bedtime.  I got her a toothbrush and toothpaste to keep at our house just for when she comes to stay.
 Steph and Josh brought Hadley's little car over for her to play with.  We don't have many outdoor toys so it was a pleasure to have her little car for her to ride in.

 After Steph & Josh got back on Sunday, we had treats on the front step before Hadley went home.
Steph & Josh went to Minneapolis to visit their friends and also went to a Trailer Trash Party.  Here is a picture they took of their outfits.  Cute!

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