Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sioux Empire Fair

On Tuesday, August 7, Bernie, Becca and I decided to enjoy the Sioux Empire Fair.  After work, we headed out to the fairgrounds and enjoyed supper.  I had a turkey bacon wrap, Bernie had a turkey leg, Becca had a hot dog, and we shared a batch of cheese curds.  Of course Bernie and Becca had a beer.  It was very hot outside and we sat inside the base of the Expo building to eat.
 Becca's friend Kaylyn Christians came and joined us.  She said there were elephants by the North Parking lot and we walked to see them. 

 Went through the miniature train building (one of our favorite parts) and then walked the midway.
 Went into Old McDonalds Farm.
 This is the world's largest portable roller coaster.  Took them several weeks to set it up.
 Headed to the Expo Building to go through the exhibits.
 Stopped at this Lemur cage outside the Expo Building.
 Such a cute, tiny little baby Lemur.
 After the Expo Building, we went back to the Beer Garden for another beer.  Snapped this cute picture of Becca and Kaylin.
It was a fun evening at the Fair.  Hope to do it again next year!

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