Sunday, August 26, 2012

Overnighter for Hadley

On August 3, Steph and Josh had a date night.  We got to keep Hadley overnight.  We always jump at the chance to spend time with her.  She is finally big enough to sit in this rocking chair.  This rocking chair was Bernie's Mom's, Blanche, when she was a little girl.  She gave it to us to use with our girls, and now Hadley is enjoying it.

 As always she slept well and up the next morning to spend the day with us.  (Happy Birthday Becca!)  Mom & Dad are going to do some extra things around the house and run errands.  We had a nice, relaxing morning and Hadley enjoyed her leisure pj time.

 Amazing how you can work on your kitchen while sitting in your rocking chair!
 Steph and Josh got their chores done and came about 5PM.  We then headed to a Pheasant's game.
 Hadley was a really busy little girl and kept us hopping.

It was a beautiful evening for a ball game and even though the Pheasant's didn't win, we had a really good time.  Becca didn't join us.  Travis took her out for her birthday to dinner and a movie.

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