Saturday, July 21, 2012

Washington DC Day Three - June 4

We got up early today.  Big day.  My request for "what should we do" was to visit the Holocaust Museum.  I have always been fascinated with this period of history, never really understanding the "why it happened".  Josh tried to get us tickets, but Senator Thune's office couldn't get any for the days were wanted.  See, they have only so many available ahead of time and the rest you have to wait in line the day of to get.  Hence, the up early today.  Bernie has been really fascinated by the elevators in our hotel.  They show you where the cars are currently located.  Caught him studying them intently.
 Caught the Metro.  Walked past the Holocaust Museum.  Sure hoping we can get in later.
 Picked up our tickets at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing first.  They are timed tickets and were available starting at 8AM.  Got our tickets for 10:30.  This will give us time to pick up our tickets at the Holocaust Museum, which are available starting at 10AM and get back for our tour.  Josh has all this schedule thing down to a science.
 Headed to the Holocaust Museum to get in line.
 We found places along the line to sit in the shade.  Sent our scouts, Bernie and Steph, to see what was up ahead.  They came back to report we are in the right line.
 Sat and took turns walking around.  We found a bathroom and a cafe that we can get some lunch and drinks when needed.  Bernie and Josh went off to walk around when suddenly a gentleman came through the crowd, looking for Active Duty Military, Veterans and Federal Employees.  I raised my hand and he asked if I had my work ID.  If course I didn't, but he said my health insurance card would do since it identifies me as a Federal Employee.  Steph and I followed this gentleman to the front door and he asked how many in our party.  We got 4 tickets to use anytime during the day!  The other tickets they would eventually be handing out would be timed and you could only get in the door at that time.  Wow!  It really paid to be a Federal Employee in DC!  The gentleman told me to use the "I'm a Federal Employee" line everywhere I go.  You never know what little perks I might get!
 Of course we had to take my picture with the tickets I got for us!
 This gave us some extra time.  We went to the little cafe we found and had a snack and something to drink.  Relaxed in air conditioned comfort until time for our tour.

 Then to our tour of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
 No pictures allowed inside during our tour.  It was a really fascinating tour and very interesting to hear how paper money is printed and controlled.
 After our tour of how paper money is made, we went to the Holocaust Museum.  No pictures allowed there either.  What an awesome place!  Way past my greatest expectations.  Very well done and very somber.  I could have spent several days going through the exhibits and reading all the material.  But, because everyone else was being so patient and kind, I hurried through as best I could.  One place I would really like to go back to!  Thank you Bernie, Steph & Josh for letting me take my time in some of the areas and being patient with me!  We decided to walk to the Jefferson Memorial next.  Such a pretty view of the Memorial across the Tidal Basin from the Museum.
 Took our pictures on the bridge.
 While we were walking to the Jefferson Memorial, there were lots of huge helicopters flying overhead.  Later we found out that President Obama was coming back to the White House after being gone.
 Our turn for a picture and then finish our walk to the Memorial.
 Looking across the water from the Memorial we could see a break in the trees and the White House!

 The Jefferson Memorial was very pretty.

 Went inside and the displays were great.
 Saw this policeman on horseback talking to a taxi driver.  Were wondering how you catch a speeding taxi while on a horse.......
 Stopped to snap our picture by this view of the Smithsonian Castle on our way to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

 It is really hard to believe that these wonderful museums through the Smithsonian are free to enter.  They are well maintained, well done and the information in them is vast.
 Spirit of St. Louis.
 Josh and Bernie were fascinated by almost everything here.
 Mama Steph sat this one out and relaxed reading her Kindle.

 We went inside this Skylab Workshop.  It was like a tiny camper with everything compact and spacesaving.
 How you take a shower.
 Tiny work station.
 Compact kitchen and many other things inside.
 Kitty Hawk and the Wright Brothers.
 A 747 right inside the museum!
 Inside the cockpit.
 It was a huge 747!
 I remember flying in these Eastern Airlines planes when I was young and my family went to visit my Grandparents in Kentucky.
 One room had many uniforms of the military flyers.

 A Japanese plane from World War II.
 USS Enterprise model.

 I knew there had to be something about Joe Foss somewhere in the museum.  I found it!

This stealth was an unmanned vehicle.
 We thoroughly enjoyed the Air and Space Museum.  Afterwards, back to the hotel to relax awhile.  Supper tonight is at Murphy's Pub to celebrate Steph & Josh's 5th Anniversary, which was Saturday June 2, our day of flying to DC.
 Corned Beef in an Irish Pub - Bernie said it was very good.  My Salmon was excellent.
 Steph was so proud that she finished all her spaghetti.  She said it was the best she had ever had.
 Back to the hotel to rest for another busy day tomorrow.

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