Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Hadley!

It is so hard to believe that little Hadley is already one year old!  We celebrated her birthday on Saturday, March 31.  Here is the card I made her and the one Becca gave her for her birthday.

Steph got a  wonderful birthday cookie for us all to enjoy.

 The little birthday girls was so glad to see us all.
 This is the pretty door covering that greeted us when we came in.
 And this goofy Aunty put her niece's tutu on her head!
 What a pretty birthday cake waiting for the birthday girl!
 Pretty balloons were decorations.

 Hadley loves her Aunty B.
 Her highchair was clean and ready for getting really messy.
 These two party goers of course had to snap their picture.
 The guys watching the construction out the back yard.
 Hadley loves to be held by Grandma.

 Steph had an ultrasound and this is our next little grandbaby!  Coming around mid November!
 Val and Adam got Hadley a cute kitty card.  She loved it.

 Adam had fun playing with Hadley's toys but the mean alligator bit his finger!
 These party goers were playing with toys...........
 While the birthday girl was outside walking with Grandpa!

 She came in to find everyone having a good time playing with her toys!

 Time to eat our wonderful lunch.

 Then into the living room for gift opening.

 Auntie B was excited for the new Brain Quest.  Brought back fond memories for her.

 Here is the birthday cake all ready for the birthday girl to eat.
 She is primed and ready for her treat.

 She really enjoyed her cake!  She didn't even get as messy as we thought she would!
 Now ready for the cleanup!

The birthday girl had a wonderful party and a good time.  Wow, so many changes in her in the last year.  Can't wait to see what the next year brings!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

So hard to believe it has been a year already and that my baby is now a toddler! Love you baby girl!