Saturday, March 17, 2012

Way To Go Josh!

Josh has worked hard the past 3 years doing his PhD part of his Med School. Long hours in the research lab, giving presentations, and coordinating projects with his mentors. We decided to surprise him with a little party to recognize his hard work. Date of event: St. Patrick's Day. Place: Our basement. We decorated, Bernie got Josh's favorite food and 1919 Root Beer from Uncle Ed's, and we invited the guests. Dan, Mary, Adam, Val, Travis, Becca, Bernie and I hid in the basement, with cars parked in the Pizza Ranch lot, and Steph had the difficult job of getting Josh to our house, thinking we weren't home. She did a great job and we pulled off the surprise!
Good job Steph! Of course Hadley took a little while to warm up but when she realized most of her favorite people were here, she got in the party mood!
We had pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, chips, dip, strawberries, cupcakes and of course 1919 Root Beer. Dan went and got soft serve ice cream for floats.

The "guests" dug into the food.

Dan spent a lot of time helping Hadley go up and down the stairs.

Hadley was having a blast.
Mandatory family pictures!

The party animal crashed hard and fast at nap time!
The cupcakes were Josh's favorite brownie cupcakes with peanut butter centers.
Here is the card we signed congratulating Josh.
Here is also the card we sent out to everyone for St. Patrick's Day.
It was a very successful party. We surprised Josh and we had a great time being together. Congratulations Josh for finishing one more part of your journey and good luck on the rest! We are with you all the way!

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