Saturday, March 10, 2012

Travis' Birthday Dinner

We finally got to do Travis' birthday dinner on Friday, March 9. He chose The Overtime. We ran into the LaBat's while we were waiting for a table and Hadley held her hands out to Cheryl when she saw her. Melted Cheryl a little! Cheryl said she would love to take care of Hadley if we ever had a family gathering we needed a sitter for. Hadbear, you are such a "people person". Had a great dinner and Travis opened his gifts. We gave him a gift certificate to Last Stop CD Shop and The Hughes gave him gift cards for eating.

We take up a whole table now! It was very good food and our waitress, Lisa, was fun.
Back to our house. Hadley was pretty tired and we got her ready for bed. She posed with Auntie B in their footie PJ's.

Mom and Dad took Hadley home to bed. We (Travis, Becca, Bernie and I) tried to play a few games but it was a typical Friday night and we were tired and silly. Watched a few episodes of AFV but to bed early! Happy Birthday Travis, again!

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