Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Travis!

Travis' birthday is today, March 3. Above is the birthday card we all signed and sent him. But, poor Travis got sick for his birthday. He was going to come home so we could celebrate his birthday and he eventually did late on Friday, but went straight to Garretson and didn't come over. He was feeling a little better on Saturday, so we decided to celebrate anyway. The Hughes came over and we relaxed until Travis arrived. Hadley posed with this bear and expected to have her picure taken with him! She is growing up so fast. It is fun to begin to communicate with her.

Travis arrived and stated he has gotten sick on every birthday he has had except for his birthday last year, which was ironically his 21st. Bummer! Because he was feeling a little better, we decided to go bowling. The lanes in Sioux Falls were all busy, but Brandon had open bowling. Brandon it is! The lanes have just been taken over by a new owner and needed a little work, but we had fun anyway. Miss Hadley was all eyes - her first time in a bowling alley. She kept on eye on everything!

Made the family pose for me. Thank you all for being such good "picture" sports.

Poor Travs got ill again right after bowling and headed home. We were sorry he couldn't continue celebrating his birthday with us. We headed back to our house and played games and ate supper. Hadley is becoming such a little person. She ate her snack on a TV tray in the basement with us!
Good job Hadley!
Now that she is walking so much, she has to wear shoes. She has the cutest little white and silver tennis shoes. Of course, she takes them off at the door and puts them by everyone else!
Hope you are feeling better soon Travis! Happy Birthday!

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