Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Fun

Steph and Josh hosted Super Bowl Sunday at their house. The game was later in the day and that way we could put Hadley to bed in her own room when she got tired. She was pretty excited to have everyone at her house. She had a great time playing with Grandpa Dan all over the basement. We had a great spread of food to eat. Everyone brought something to share.

It is so great sitting around the wrap around couch. Everyone can be together.

Hadley had a good time chasing Josh and Dan around the couch.

Becca is kind of glad to be done with school and able to join us for all our festivities.
Hadley loves her doggy that she conned Josh into getting her at Target.

Whoa! Hadley enjoyed peeking at all the food. She got to enjoy quite a bit of it. She is such a good eater!
Brave girl is starting to stand up! She kept going "Woo" and looking at me until I took her picture!
Fun Super Bowl Sunday! Thanks Steph & Josh for hosting! Sorry, Travis, that the 49ers weren't playing!

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