Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me and Mom!

Mom and I have shared a birthday for 56 years now. What fun to tell everyone you were born on your Mom's birthday! Here is the pretty card I made for her. Gave her a gift card to Valentino's and a pretty birthstone necklace.We went out for supper to celebrate Mom & my birthday at Pizza Ranch. Only ones missing were Ryan and Haley, but Ryan texted me the best text! Here it is:
Happy first birthday as a grandma! To celebrate the occasion I've made a list of stereotypical things you now need to do: 1) Learn to play bridge. 2) Complain more about the weather. 3) Refuse to listen to anything but pre-1970's music (because face it what else is there?). 4) Spoil the heck out of your grandchild(ren). 5) Grow a fond taste for breakfast restaurants (Perkins, Denny's, Fryn' Pan). 6) Refuse to be called "sweetie". 7) Lose all knowledge of proper telephone operation. 8) Try to work in the phrase, "back in my day...", to every conversation. 9) Keep food well beyond its expiration date. 10) Have an amazing day. Why? Because you've earned it through hard parenting work, and now it's time to watch your offspring try and survive it. Happy Birthday Auntie! ~ Ryan Hall
Missed you Ryan but thanks for the great text! Made my day!
Highlight of the dinner? Watching Hadley scoop up her mashed potatoes and eat them with a vengence! She obviously loves mashed potatoes!

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