Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Shopping Day

When Bernie and I started the tradition of taking the first Wednesday off in December to Christmas shop, we never thought it would last this many years. But we have gotten so that we really enjoy our day. We slept in this year and got up and got ready to shop. Breakfast at HyVee let us gather our ideas together and plan our day. We did a lot more shopping on the East side of town because now we have so many options. That is great. Then off to the West side to finish. Of course, we ended our day at the Mall for the traditional supper with Steph, Josh and now this year Hadley. Hadley was in such a great mood and it was fun having her along. Hopefully next year Becca and Travis will be around and they can join us for supper too! Now to wrap all those gifts.......

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Love the traditions. Glad your day was a success!