Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are the Thanksgiving cards we sent out to family this year and the table favors we made and handed out for Thanksgiving.
It was our turn to host the Hall Family for Thanksgiving. Hadley had a cute dress to wear for the occasion.

We took a nice family picture of the Hughes Family, but didn't take one of all of us for the Christmas card. New rule: ALWAYS take a family picture at Thanksgiving for the Christmas card!
Auntie Becca played peek-a-book with Hadley on the couch and Hadley loved it.
Turkey dinner turned out well.

The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday and my family always goes shopping. This year we had Hadley to worry about, so I happily offered to take care of her. Hadley and I went to bed that evening while my family stayed up and prepared to shop.
There was really nothing my family was looking for this year, so they decided to head to the Mall. Many places opened earlier and earlier this year and the Mall opened at Midnight. Shenanigans was the port of call for everyone. They enjoyed staying there but had to leave and walk the Mall around 1:30AM so Shenanigans could close and prepare for breakfast. They enjoyed the crowds and then back to Shenanigans for breakfast and home. Not a true Black Friday shopping trip for Travis to begin with, but maybe next year will yield some bargains they can't live without.
Meanwhile, Hadley and I rested well all night and we woke up to a nice, relaxing Friday morning together. We did PJ time and then got dressed. She found a unique way to keep an eye on Grandpa while he read the paper.

Auntie Becca woke up and enjoyed playing with Hadley.

Bernie and I had a few things to get from Kmart and we bundled up and walked over.

Hadley was a good shopper at Kmart and enjoyed flirting with the other customers!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

Thanks for hosting and babysitting. I know everyone had a blast including Hadley. We can tell her she is a pro at Black Friday Shopping.