Thursday, September 22, 2011

Yankton Camping

Sad - our last camping trip of the season! Bernie and I brought the camper to Lewis and Clark on Thursday, September 15, and set up. The family came down on Friday. Weather was cool all weekend until the last day when we were going home! But it didn't stop us from having a great time. There is always fun and reading in the camper.
Hadley was fascinated by her toes on her sleeper - little bears.

Some Barney stretching time.

Mama shows her how that picture she took looks.

More Barney time.
Time to head outside!

Road trip produced nap time.
It was a very wet spring and summer and we had to check out the dam. The guys posed for a picture.
But it was too cold and wet and the girls waited in the vehicle.
We did the annual visit to the Aquarium. Hadley was fascinated by the big fish.

Josh loved the turtle.
Becca is very nervous in the Aquarium.
Posed for a picture from Hadley's very first visit to the Aquarium.

Camping at Lewis and Clark is not complete without stopping at Cottonwood Corral for ice cream.

More outdoor time.

Camping is exhausting.
Annual tradition of hat burning started out with Josh burning his old t-shirts. We have to get that guy some caps.
Travis brought his Alliance cap from his summer internship to burn.

There is always interesting discussions around the campfire. Someone asked if your "wing span" is the same as your height. Of course we tested the tall one first.
It was!
We moved onto the shorter one.
Same thing!
Bernie filled a bottle with all sorts of things to burn.

Supper around the campfire.

Mornings bring fun times when Hadley wakes up.
Auntie Becca provides all kinds of entertainment for Hadbear.

Naptime in the camper.
Sure enough, after everyone leaves, the nice weather rolls in. Our last day camping on Monday, when it is time to pack up, was the nicest day of the weekend. One last bike ride to the marina.
We sent this picture on our phones to the kids how lonely we were without them.

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

This last year of camping was awesome! I really can't wait for the summer to start so we can get going again. Will be much different camping this year, having to run after Grandpa and Hadley! :)