Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Brunch, Hadley and Baseball!

How can you not love a face like this?? Had a great Sunday August 28. Steph & Josh invited us over for brunch in the morning. We had a great time. Then Bernie and I brought Hadley home with us while Steph & Josh did things they needed to do. Hadley took a good nap, read books with Grandpa and played.

Then Steph & Josh came over and we went to a Canaries game, wearing our Twins attire.

It was Hadley's first baseball game in a stadium. Sorry Becca! Auntie B was quite mad she wasn't there. School comes first!

Hadbear can sleep anywhere!
After a quick nap, she was ready to go again!
A fun Sunday!

1 comment:

Steph Hughes said...

First baseball game!! Sorry Auntie B! We missed you!